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FDP-1000 Part Number: FDP-1000: Product name: Fiber Options: Applicable Products. Fiber Sensors Return to top. CONTACT US. If you have any questions, please select Rauk Consultants & Engineers - Offering HUANGAIJIXIE FDP-1000 Horizontal Directional Drilling Rig at Rs 40000000/unit in Faridabad, Haryana. Read about company. Get contact details and address | ID: 21129693748 FDP-500,FDP-1000,FDP-1500: Application: General-purpose: Environmental resistance : Protection: IP40: Environmental resistance : Ambient temperature MAX: 80 degrees: Environmental resistance : Ambient temperature MIN-55 degrees: Sensing range(STD) 420 mm 16.535 in (FX-500 series) Sensing range(HYPR) 1,100 mm 43.307 in (FX-500 series FDP-1000 non-excavation directional drilling rig.
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