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Once a reminder is set, you’ll get a Slackbot message saying so. And if you ever need to manage or check your reminders, simply type /remind list to see the full list. The /remind command also works great for far-off, future events. Set a personal reminder to buy a small gift two days before each member of your team’s birthday or work anniversary.
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2020-03-05 The /remind command is one of Slackbot’s most useful features. You can use it to remind yourself to do a task, to read an article or to build some kind of dark matter generator. Slackbot is also able to send someone else a reminder, and even set reminders to recur. But Slackbot goes deeper. You can set reminders for a specific date and time, so why not set up a recurring reminder?
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In order to create a reminder, you only need open a text area and type the reminder in the form of: /remind [me / @someone / #channel] [what] [when] Mark a reminder as complete. To mark a reminder as complete, select Complete in the reminder message from Slackbot, or from the list displayed by the /remind list slash command. Click View completed reminders to view items that you’ve marked as done. Note: It's not possible to mark recurring reminders as complete, but you can delete them.
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Want to review important messages later? Rather than setting reminders, “save” them. To do this, hover over a message in Slack and click the “Save” icon. 2017-12-08 · This video is unavailable.
Contribute to jshawl/slackbot-reminders development by creating an account on GitHub. time Required When this reminder should happen: the Unix timestamp (up to five years from now), the number of seconds until the reminder (if within 24 hours), or a natural language description (Ex. "in 15 minutes," or "every Thursday") Example 1602288000
Press the Return key after entering the full command. Thereafter, Slackbot will say that it will provide the reminder on the specified date at a default 9 A.M time if you didn’t enter a specific clock time. Slackbot PR reminder.
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Reply. 2. Retweet. 2014 AnyEvent AKALINUX AnyEvent-SlackBot-1.0005.tar.gz 6k 21 Mar 2018 Jan 2021 + Bot GRYPHON Bot-IRC-X-Reminder-1.06.tar.gz 11k 13 Jan 2021 2020-10-31: “I turned Slackbot into a demon and started a secret society at work.
For the most part, you can use the simple command "/remind" to
2020-02-12 · The /remind command lets you use Slackbot to set reminders for just about anything. When you set a reminder, you’re telling Slackbot to send you a message at a certain time. Start by launching Slack and signing in to your team.
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Tasks. Our users can schedule tasks in the Slackbot and it will remind them for the set task at the set date and time. /remind @channel every weekday at 2pm to start daily standup. Here you can use either @here (to remind only online people) or @channel (remind everyone in the channel irrespective they are online).
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My love for Slack is well-documented at this point. I’m always looking for different ways to use it. I decided to try using Slackbot for a certain class of nudge that is absolutely not mission-critical—one that I didn’t feel like seeing in a list every time I opened Reminders—as a test. 2020-03-23 · You have a Slackbot reminder.