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GTIN (Global Trade Item Number): The GTIN, including the U.P.C. barcode, EAN, or EAN13, stands for International Article Number (originally European Article Number). It is an extension of the UPC codes and you'll find them as GEPIR can also be used to check the accuracy of GS1 Company Prefixes. It is fundamental to data quality. You can search by: Product barcode number: Global A lot more than just pricing data. Product Matching. and identification based on keywords, barcodes, model number and more.
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This is a list of country codes used by GS1. Source: GS1 Company Prefix
Filling in more details (address, city or zip code) will narrow your search results. GTIN (Global Trade Item Number): The GTIN, including the U.P.C. barcode,
EAN, or EAN13, stands for International Article Number (originally European Article Number). It is an extension of the UPC codes and you'll find them as
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