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The Slippery Slope of Healthcare - Steven Z. Kussin - Adlibris

2. Slippery slope / sluttande plan. 3. Straw man / halmgubbe. 4. Falskt dilemma.

Slippery slope fallacy

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6,588 likes · 4 talking about this · 26,770 were here. follow us on twitter @slipperysloped Instagram @slipperysloped That's just "fallacy + slippery slope", although the word "unjustified" really isn't inherent in "slippery slope", but implied from the assertion of fallacy, and the negativity of the outcome necessarily depends on one's point of view, although it may be usual for the person making the argument to assume that it is negative (but only if he or she is trying to dissuade someone from initiating a LEARNING OUTCOMES : By the end of this week's material you will be able to: define what a fallacy is distinguish various kinds of fallacies understand the linguistic phenomena that give rise to fallacies identify various kinds of slippery slop fallacies where they occur identify various kinds of fallacies of equivocation where they occur OPTIONAL READING: If you want more examples or more That really looks like a sum-of-parts entry. One can also refer to "slippery slope arguments", but there's no reason to have a separate entry for each permutation of "slippery slope X". Besides, a slippery slope isn't necessarily a fallacy; if it were, you could automatically disregard it whenever it's made. Mar 12, 2021 Table of Contents.

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and my grandmother said that this must be where. Sluttande plan, eller slippery slope, innebär att man utnyttjar en kedja av liknande fenomen för att jämföra helt olika saker eller för att bevisa en framtida  ,blackbir,biggles,wrench,wrestle,slippery,pheonix,penny1,pianoman,thedude ,spandex,souvenirs,sociopath,snails,slope,skeletons,shivering,sexier ,fanaticism,faltered,fallacy,fairway,faggy,faberge,extremism,extorting  Fallacies and biases Ofta benämnt som ”Slippery Slope” och innebär att man (felaktigt) argumenterar för att om ett Logical Fallacies: The Fallacy Files. Sluttande plan, eller slippery slope, innebär att man utnyttjar en kedja av liknande fenomen för att jämföra helt olika saker eller för att bevisa en framtida  fall/ZSMRNG fallacious/YP fallaciousness/M fallacy/MS faller/M fallibility/IMS slipknot/SM slippage/SM slipped slipper/SMDG slipperiness/S slippery/PTR slogan/SM sloganeer/MG slogged slogging sloop/MS slop/UDSGZR slope/S  False Dilemma Fallacy kan komma mycket nära Slippery Slope fallacy.

Slippery slope fallacy

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Slippery slope fallacy

With slippery slope, someone argues that if one event is allowed to happen, that other, negative, consequences will surely follow. But in a slippery slope argument, “X” is usually a relatively small first step, whereas “Y” will be something extreme and unjustified. They also shift focus away from the immediate issue being discussed in favor of something purely hypothetical. A Slippery Example. A common example of the slippery slope fallacy is an argument against The Slippery Slope is a fallacy in which a person asserts that some event must inevitably follow from another without any argument for the inevitability of the event in question. In most cases, there are a series of steps or gradations between one event and the one in question and no reason is given as to why the intervening steps or gradations will simply be bypassed.

A tricky precarious situation, especially one that leads gradually but inexorably to disaster: "[Without] a clear boundary  Based on the idea that an object placed at the top of a slippery slope will slide all the way to the bottom if given even a small nudge, the Slippery Slope fallacy is  Slippery slope fallacy is an error in critical thinking where one person starts with a minor statement which builds on to a chain of related events finally ending with a   Apr 2, 2015 In the field of informal logic, the slippery-slope argument is a fallacy when the endpoint does not follow necessarily from the initial step, which is  The slippery slope fallacy is an argument that claims that if one thing happens or is allowed to happen, then that will lead to other steps and ultimately to a final  Slippery slope reasoning progresses from a specific statement to a general truth in the blink of an eye.
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Slippery slope fallacy

When it comes to causal slippery slopes , a proposed slope is generally fallacious because it ignores or understates the uncertainty involved with getting from the start-point of the slope to its end-point.

Hämta alla bilder och använd dem även för kommersiella projekt. The slippery slope fallacy takes place when someone states “If Y happens, then Z will eventually happen too, so Y should not happen.” This is the same fallacy that is made when people claim that if gay people are given the right to marry each other, “the next thing we know, people will start marrying animals”. A SLIPPERY SLOPE argument takes an initial premise and sees it through a chain of consequences until you arrive at an unacceptable,  Exempel: “Piratpartianhängare vill inte att artister ska få betalt för sina verk!”.
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Vanliga argumentationsfel. - Filosofiforum

Straw Man Hasty Generalization Red Herring Slippery Slope Ad Populum Circular Argument Cherry Picking Ad Hominem See all 22 fallacies. Logical Fallacy Detected: Slippery Slope Learn More Red Herring Ad Populum.

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You can distinguish these by  Aug 20, 2019 His comments foretelling a “slippery slope” also closely mirrored the National Rifle Association's (NRA) long-held argument that even modest  Tommy discusses the Slippery Slope Fallacy.