Is perfectionism related to pre-existing and future insomnia


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Motivational interviewing for smoking cessation: A meta ▫. Present position Professor of Clinical Psychology (1993), Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Advisory Editor of British Journal of Health Psychology.

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A convenient method of obtaining percentile norms and accompanying interval estimates for self-report mood scales (DASS, DASS-21, HADS, PANAS, and sAD) John R. Crawford 1, Paul H. Garthwaite2, Caroline J. Lawrie1, Julie D. Henry3, Marie A. MacDonald , Jane Sutherland 1, and Priyanka Sinha The British Journal of Psychiatry 1963 (Vol 109) Issue S38 (New antipsychotics - preclinical and clinical comparisons) May 1999. Issue 5 . May 1999.