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Al-Seerah International. Al-Ehsan. Uloom e Islamiya. Visitors.

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The Middle East Journal-Wikipedia The Index Islamicus for the first time indexes books published on Islam, the Middle East and the Muslim world. Books cited in the Index Islamicus include not only work written about the Middle East, but also about the other main Muslim areas of Asia and Africa. Index Islamicus Search Your search for '1308-2140' returned 68 results. Modify search Sort Results by Relevance | Newest titles first | Oldest titles first.

Databaser A-Ö - Uppsala universitetsbibliotek

Index Islamicus features an unmatched breadth of content on the Muslim existence, containing material published by Western orientalists, scholars from the fields of social science and humanities, and Muslims. Spanning from 1906 to the present day, coverage includes information on Muslims from the Middle East, Asia, Africa and other areas where Muslim minorities are found.

Index islamicus ebsco

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Index islamicus ebsco

repec Global Impact Factor (G I F) . Education Source (EBSCO Host). · Ulrich's Periodicals Directory. · Index Islamicus. · Norwegian Social Science Data Services (NSD). y resumen o en DOAJ ( Periodicals Index Online , EBSCO Legal Source, HeinOnline-Law Journal Library, Index Islamicus, Index to legal periodicals & books,  Martin Kolman.

Indexes for Finding Articles In Religious Studies; Citation Linking Index Islamicus (EBSCO). » more less Indexes  Index of western-language monographs, articles, and book chapters on all parts of Asia and Asian Studies (East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Indian Ocean)   Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (EBSCO). This opens a Index Islamicus contains over 500,000 articles, books and reviews records. The records cover  Index Islamicus. This resource, produced by Brill Academic Publishers, is an international bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of  BadgerLink EBSCO - Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts with Full Text, Available EBSCO - Index Islamicus, Available. EBSCO  Abstracting and indexing[edit] · Arts and Humanities Citation Index · ATLA Religion Database · Current Contents/Arts & Humanities · Index Islamicus · EBSCO  Contains a collection of U.S. newspapers, journals, and magazines published by the alternative press during the 1960s, '70s and '80s. Index Islamicus This link  Dec 23, 2020 Index Islamicus (Brill) Index Islamicus Online is an international classified bibliography of publications Academic Search Complete (Ebsco).
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Index islamicus ebsco

"Books" is a catalog of books, audiovisual materials, etc.;"Articles" is an index of journal articles, reports, and book chapters. Index Islamicus This link opens in a new window Description of this database. This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database.

y resumen o en DOAJ ( Periodicals Index Online , EBSCO Legal Source, HeinOnline-Law Journal Library, Index Islamicus, Index to legal periodicals & books,  Martin Kolman. EBSCO Information Services 740. 422. Greece.
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Databaser A-Ö - LibGuides - Lunds universitet

RAMBI - Index of Articles on Jewish Studies; Additional Catalogs; Electronic Resources. Databases; EDS - Discovery Tools; Index Islamicus - EbscoHost.

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EBSCO Discovery Service

It includes material published by Western orientalists, social scientists and Muslims writing in European languages. The Journal of International Social Research indexed in EBSCO, MLA International Bibliography, DOAJ, CSA (Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts), BC ELN (British Columbia Electronic Library Network), Scientific Commons, Ulrichsweb, Index Copernicus, Index Islamicus, J-Gate, ICAAP, Journal Seek and TEI. Index Islamicus Online is THE international classified bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world.