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What does tentorial-notch mean? (biology) The space in the tentorium where the brainstem passes. (noun) 18 Dec 2019 The mechanism is a downward displacement of the ipsilateral medial temporal lobe into the tentorial hiatus. Around 90 years ago, Kernohan and  27 Feb 2018 the level of the tentorial notch, the superior rial notch (upward transtentorial her ¬ Top left, Normal anatomy; open arrow indicates tentorium,. 26 Mar 2015 Tentorial notch meningiomas (T1–T2 subgroup) usually intimately involve the brain stem. Accordingly, these patients may present with a  6 Dec 2005 The tentorial notch and complications produced by herniations of the brain through that aperture. BJS 1958; 45: 422-438.

Tentorial notch

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Define tentorial notch. tentorial notch synonyms, tentorial notch pronunciation, tentorial notch translation, English dictionary definition of tentorial notch. n. 1. a.

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ten·to·ri·al notch. [TA] the triangular opening in the tentorium cerebelli through which the brainstem extends from the posterior into the middle cranial fossa. Synonym (s): incisura tentorii [TA], incisura of tentorium ☆ , notch of tentorium. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012.

Tentorial notch

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Tentorial notch

US and Canadian a narrow pass or gorge Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, OBJECT Variations in the structure of the tentorial notch may influence the degree of brainstem distortion in transtentorial herniation, concussion, and acceleration-deceleration injuries. The authors examined the anatomical relationships of the mesencephalon, cerebellum, and oculomotor nerves to the dimensions of the tentorial aperture. On the basis of numerical data collected from this study Ossification of the tentorium cerebelli over the trigeminal notch is rare, but it may cause compression of the trigeminal nerve, leading to trigeminal neuralgia (TN). We were unable to find any previously reported cases with radiological evaluation, although we did find one case with surgically proven ossification of the tentorium cerebelli. Here, we present a case of TN caused by tentorial Tentorial notch see Tentorial incisure.

Synonym (s): incisura tentorii [TA], incisura of tentorium ☆ , notch of tentorium. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012. Video shows what tentorial notch means. The space in the tentorium where the brainstem passes.. Tentorial notch Meaning.
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Tentorial notch

The middle incisural space is close to the midbrain and the upper pons at the level of the pontomesencephalic sulcus.

a narrow pass between mountains; gap. · 4. a step; degree:  Tentorial notch. [TA] the triangular opening in the tentorium cerebelli through which the brainstem extends from the posterior into the middle cranial fossa.
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The cases, selected for presentation from a large series, were chosen for their value in illustrating radiological signs of disease in the area of the tentorial notch. What does tentorial-notch mean?

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The dural sinus that runs in the attached margin of the tentorium cerebelli against the occiput of the skull is the: Transverse sinus. ventrcle-cerebral aqueduct of sylvius-4th ventricle-foramens of luska and magendie-cereebral meduallary cisterns-subarachnoid space or to tentorial notch-if  Engelska. tentorial notch. Senast uppdaterad: 2014-11-14. Användningsfrekvens: 3.