Venezuelans March as Guaido and Maduro Vie for Legitimacy
Venezuela nekas coronalån från IMF - S-INFO
2019-01-23 · President Donald Trump recognized Juan Guaido, head of Venezuela’s opposition-led National Assembly, as the country’s interim president Wednesday, rejecting President Nicolas Maduro's contested 2019-02-04 · (CNN) A group of major European nations recognized Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as the country's interim president on Monday, urging him to hold free and fair elections. The coordinated Juan Guaido in Caracas, Venezuela, December 5, 2020 © REUTERS / Manaure Quintero The EU’s 27 states have said they no longer recognize Juan Guaido as the interim president of Venezuela, despite a call by the European Parliament just days ago for the bloc’s governments not to downgrade his status. Venezuelan politician and engineer. In this Spanish name, the first or paternal surname is Guaidó and the second or maternal family name is Márquez. Juan Guaidó. Juan Guaidó in 2020. Interim President of Venezuela.
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2019 Juan Guaido, le président du Parlement vénézuélien contrôlé par l'opposition, s' est autoproclamé mercredi "président" par intérim du pays. 4 févr. 2019 Le président de l'Assemblée, qui conteste la réélection en mai de Nicolas Maduro, s'est proclamé président par intérim le 23 janvier a aussitôt 31 Jan 2019 The European Parliament voted on Thursday to recognise Venezuela's acting president Juan Guaido and urged the European Union and its 4 Feb 2019 European nations recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela's interim president · Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez speaks about Venezuela at 24 Jan 2019 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday announced he the opposition leader Juan Guaido as the nation's interim president. 24 Jan 2019 Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido just declared himself to be the country's interim president.
Guaidó har landat i Venezuela - Barometern
till Utrikesminister Ann Linde (S). Utvecklingen i Venezuela är och har länge varit Bläddra bland 5 738 juan guaidó bildbanksfoton och bilder, eller påbörja en ny sökning för att utforska fler bildbanksfoton och bilder. Venezuelan opposition Wallström: ”Vi stödjer och betraktar Guaidó som legitim president” Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as nation's interim president.
Venezuela nekas coronalån från IMF - S-INFO
Endast redaktionellt bruk. Läs mer; Stockbild-ID: Caracas/Venezuela, March 2019: Interim president Juan Guaido staged protests in Caracas as the capital struggled without power. This is a regime that wants to On January 23, the leader of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, declared himself interim president of Venezuela. His claim on the Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador says that he has leader Juan Guiado, who declared himself Venezuela's interim president. they would recognize Guaido as president unless Venezuelan leader Nicolas The authoritarian president Nicolas Maduro attracted a larger crowd than the prospect of recognizing Guaido as interim president in the absence of any FILE PHOTO: Venezuela's Economy Vice President Tareck El Aissami amid a power struggle between Maduro and opposition leader Juan Guaido. the country's constitution to assume an interim presidency in January, av K Hughes · 2020 · Citerat av 1 — The Trump administration has even recognized an interim president Juan Guaido in January 2019 (Pompeo, 2019).
Brasiliens nya president har uppmanat oppositionen att fly landet. Oppositionelle Juan Guaido har utnämnt sig själv till interimpresident och
Presidenten har sagt att alla metoder är möjliga. talman i Venezuelas nationalförsamling, som utropat sig själv till interimspresident. USA, som erkänt Guaidó som Venezuelas tillfällige president, har utlovat repressalier för
Enligt Bolivias grundlag måste en interimspresident kalla till val inom 90 dagar från Samma sak gjorde Guaido i Venezuela i januari -19 med USA:s, EU:s och
Juan Guaidó som legitim interimspresident i Venezuela på det mötet refuses to recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela's Interim President,
Guaidó, som leder Venezuelas nationalförsamling, utropade sig till landets interimspresident den 23 januari. Omkring 50 länder med USA i
Guaidó, som leder Venezuelas nationalförsamling, utropade sig till landets interimspresident den 23 januari.
Allianz se
2019-09-18 · Guaido earlier this year declared himself interim president with the backing of the United States and other western powers, saying elections that returned Maduro to power had been undermined by fraud. The 52-year-old interim leader gave the first indication of her government's foreign policy on Thursday, recognizing Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido as his country's president, a key Opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself interim president. He took an oath of office in front of the crowds in the capital, Caracas.
Han utropade sig själv den 23 januari 2019 som tillförordnad president i Venezuela.
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"Iceland supports @jguaido as the Interim President of Venezuela. Nicolas Maduro installerades som president 10 januari 2019. nationalförsamlingens ordförande, sig själv till interimspresident i väntan på presidentval. göteborg
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nationalförsamlingens ordförande, sig själv till interimspresident i väntan på presidentval. frågan om Guaido eller Nicolas Maduro är den legitime presidenten. Venezuelas president Nicolas Maduro och oppositionsledaren Juan Guaido levererade var sitt tal så gott som ?interimspresident? i onsdags, 23 januari.