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Diana Mulinari - Genusvetenskapliga institutionen - Lunds
Telephone: +46 (0)46-222 00 00 (switchboard) Mailing adress: Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Sweden Mulinari, Diana LU and Neergaard, Anders LU In Identities 26 (2). p.222-240 Mark Contribution to specialist publication or newspaper Newspaper article FEMINIST FUTURES : Multivocal feminisms, the politics of hope and the possibilities of many futures Exploring feminist transnational solidarities. LUND UNIVERSITY; LUND UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES; Lund University Publications Diana Mulinari. 101 – 119 of 119. show: 50 | sort: year (new to old) News feed; Embed University of Lund, Lund, Sweden ABSTRACT CONTACT Diana Mulinari diana.mulinari@genus.lu.se NORA—NORDIC JOURNAL OF FEMINIST AND GENDER RESEARCH https://doi.org Diana Mulinari Department of Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden Full Text PDF (free download) Diana Mulinari is Professor of Gender Studies at the University of Lund, Sweden. Diana Mulinari Lund University. Diana Mulinari is a sociologist, professor of Gender Studies at the University of Lund (Sweden).
Telephone: +46 (0)46-222 00 00 (switchboard) Mailing adress: Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Sweden Mulinari, Diana LU and Neergaard, Anders LU In Identities 26 (2). p.222-240 Mark Contribution to specialist publication or newspaper Newspaper article FEMINIST FUTURES : Multivocal feminisms, the politics of hope and the possibilities of many futures Exploring feminist transnational solidarities. Diana Mulinari är fil. dr. i sociologi och professor vid Institutionen för genusvetenskap som firade fyrtio år i höstas. Forskare i genusvetenskap hör till de som mest utsätts för hot och Sveriges Genusforskarförbund har arbetat med temat länge.
Diana Mulinari – Lundagard.se
My 2 Dec 2020 Diana Mulinari is a professor at the Department of Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden. Her work aims to bridge the tradition of Marxist Erika Alm; Linda Berg; Mikela Lundahl Hero; Anna Johansson; Pia Laskar; Lena Martinsson; Diana Mulinari; Cathrin Wasshede. Open Access.
Vetenskapsrådet beviljar 117 miljoner till genusforskning
Forskare i genusvetenskap hör till de som mest utsätts för hot och Sveriges Genusforskarförbund har arbetat med temat länge. Diana Mulinari finns, tillsammans med många andra kolleger, på listor som extremhöger och nazistiska organisationer och nätverk spridit The Denver-Lund Study Abroad Programme Research Research frame Research themes Research staff Visiting scholars Research projects at the department Doctoral Studies Research seminars Research results and publications Contact Administrative staff Research staff Diana Mulinari, professor i genusvetenskap vid Lunds universitet, berättar under denna intervju om sitt arbete med att bland annat konfontera kvinnliga erfarenheter av neonationalistiska vitmaktregimer. Diana Mulinari Undermeny för Diana Mulinari. Hus M, Lund Postadress: Box 117, 221 00 Lund Telefon: 046-222 00 00 (växel) Tillgänglighetsredogörelse.
Linda Berg. Lund University. After a post at IMER (International Migration and Ethnic Relations) in Malmö City College. I joined the Department of Gender Studies in 1998. My
publications Lund, 1995. Mycket har skrivits genom lagger nu Diana Mulinari en fjarde dimension; kvinnors politiska roll, som hon kopplar till vad hon kallar
Source: Lund University Gender, race and ethnicity in the Nordic region edited by Keskinen, Suvi, Salla Tuori, Sari Irni and Diana MulinariSocial Anthropology.
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Hon fyller 67 år den 24 maj. Hennes lägenhet är värderad till ca 6 490 000 kr. Diana Mulinari Centro de Estudios de Género Universidad de Lund diana. mulinari@genus.lu.se.
Helle Jarlmose, KFUK. Henrik Søberg. Hilda Rømer Christensen, University of Copenhagen. Ina Knobblock
The scholarly community at the Department of Gender Studies is working in the tradition of feminist theory, exploring the complexities of gender at a local, national and global level using a whole range of theories, with a special emphases on Intersectionality, Postcolonial and Queer Studies, Gender Studies of Science and Technology including Health Studies.
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Litteratur: Sociologi A 1038SL
After a post at IMER (International Migration and Ethnic Relations) in Malmö City College. I joined the Department of Gender Studies in 1998. Diana Mulinari, 2020 Dec 1, Feminisms in the Nordic Region.
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Diana Mulinari is a sociologist, professor of Gender Studies at the University of Lund (Sweden). Her scholarship aims at developing feminist theory and methodology as a critical tool to explore (and transform) the social. Among her recent publications see: Complying with Colonialism(Keskinen S., S. Irni ,S.