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Keep in mind that high salaries are not always everything: you have to also weigh the local cost of living and benefit packages to determine how much you’ll be able to save during your teaching stint. Postsecondary teachers, colleges, universities and professional schools (private): $80,760; But these median salaries don’t tell the whole story of what you’ll earn as a teacher or professor, as a number of factors affect what both teachers and professors can expect to earn: Factors Affecting K-12 Teacher Salaries However in Schleswig-Holstein, they would be in the salary group A13. A teacher entering the profession at a state secondary school in Kiel earns €3,806 per month, while in Duesseldorf they would earn €3,459. The classification and therefore the earnings of primary and secondary school teachers differs in each federal state. Job Description University Teachers teach students at higher education institutions, usually between the ages of 18-80. Teaching usually takes place during the day between 9am and 6pm although some lecturers are also required to teach in the evenings. University Teachers divide their time between classroom hours and preparing for teaching or meeting students privately.
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The base salary for University Teacher ranges from $45,251 to $59,837 with the average base salary of $51,832. The total cash compensation, which includes base, and annual incentives, University Teacher Salaries. Job Title. Salary. University of Liverpool University Teacher salaries - 3 salaries reported.
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Differentials; *sex differences; *teacher salaries identifiers *university of north dakotaA 10-year study of salary differential by aex was undertaken at the
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