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Despite our rapid growth in recent years, we continue to be nimble and quick, providing greater value for our customers. At Colligio, we want to optimize the way people interact. We like to use words like "dynamic" and "intuitive" to describe our technologies, because as your challenges evolve, so do our products and services, and the benefits that they deliver every day. Colligio följer utvecklingen av coronaviruset COVID-19 noggrant och vi förhåller oss till rekommendationerna från Folkhälsomyndigheten. I dagsläget pågår vår verksamhet precis som vanligt, dock med skillnaden att många av våra upphandlingskonsulter arbetar på distans istället för på plats på kontoret eller ute hos kund.

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296 Followers, 289 Following, 210 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Colligo Vårdkompetens (@colligovard) Colligio is a Cisco-only partner founded in 2012. We sell across the broad portfolio of Cisco solutions, focusing on product and cloud subscriptions. Despite our rapid growth in recent years, we continue to be nimble and quick, providing greater value for our customers. Colligio is located in South Walpole, Massachusetts.

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Colligio | 10 följare på LinkedIn. Sean Kelley Enterprise Infrastructure, Collaboration and Security, Colligio LLC Colligio, Llc was founded in 2011, and is located at 4 Abbey Rd in South Walpole. Additional information is available at or by contacting Sean Kelley at (781) 985-4907. Blog.

Colligio llc

Ingrid Ahnell - Ekonomiansvarig - Colligio AB LinkedIn

Colligio llc

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Financial Analyst Boston Medical Center (BMC) We were founded in 2010 by Sean Kelley and our first year revenues were $1Mil We have grown from $1Million in revenue in 2010 to over $15Million in 2015. 1500% growth!! Colligio is a modern day technology partner who only represents Cisco with a focus on new world cloud consumption models Colligio, LLC We are a virtual company that is nimble and quick with very little overhead.
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